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an application to fight fast fashion: Sustain

fast fashion application
Figma workspace
search wireframe


As the climate crisis continues to worsen, a key contributor to the problem, fast fashion, continues to grow. Although, ethical and sustainable solutions exist, they continue to be inaccessible to a large portion of fashion consumers. 


Collaboratively developed multiple webpages that attempt to make sustainability and ethical fashion options more attainable. To make local, sustainable fashion more accessible we created a local thrift stores map, a donation tracker and a deals page for ethical brands.  , 

How I helped

  • Conducted primary user testing by interviewing interest groups and analyzed results.

  • Parsed through heaps of research on making fashion more accessible. 

  • Iterated different designs and developed multiple wireframes.

  • Tested efficiency of each wireframe through multiple stages of testing.

  • Creating various low fidelity and high fidelity to measure which one achieves our goals the best.

  • Developed several prototypes before finalising on the design. 


map wireframe

After presenting our designs to our Professor, we received an A+ for the project.

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